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Another Catalan-style White Dish

A 16th century Italian Recipe, translated into English by Shannon Wanty

From Rosselli, Giovanne: Epulario: qual tratta del modo di cucinare ogni carne, vccelli, pesci, & ultra qualita di viuande (Altobello Salicato, Vinegia, 1596)

p10v Per fare menestra de bianco mangiare al modo catelano. (To make a dish of white dish in the Catalan fashion.)

Take a pound and a half of almonds well clean, and crush these distemper with broth of a chicken passed through a strainer put these to boil in a pipkin well clean add two ounces of rice flour distempered and passed with almond milk, and let it boil for the space of one half hour stirring, and stirring always with a spoon, adding a pound and a half of sugar, and a little breast of capon well beaten, and ground, which is in a cooked state to begin with this milk. And when all these compositions will be well cooked you add to them a little rose water, and make the dish as you would the [one] over with fine sugar, and almonds to the table.