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Recipe Testing

I usually try to test my recipes before using them for an event, to allow myself time to tinker with them and play with ingredients, quantities, and any substitutes necessary. I also try to write these tests up; although in about 20% of cases this never quite happens.

The recipes I have tested below are sorted by source, and in the order that they appear within a particular source.

Castelvetro, Giacomo; Riley, Gillian (trans.): The Fruit, Herbs & Vegetables of Italy(Viking, London, 1989)

Tortellini with Fave

Como, Martino; Ballerini, Luigi (ed.); Parzen, Jeremy (trans.): The Art of Cooking: The First Modern Cookery Book (Berkeley, University of California Press, 2005)

Lancelotti, Vittorio: Lo Scalco Prattico (Francesco Corbelletti, Rome, 1627)

Messisbugo, Cristoforo: Banchetti composizioni di vivande e apparecchio generale (Lucio Spineda, Venice, 1610)

Turkish Rice

Pigs' Trotter Jelly

Starch Soup (also tested against Scappi's version)

Nostradamus, Michel: Excellent & moulte utile Opuseule à toute necessaire, qui desirent auoir cognoissance de plusieurs exquises Receptes, diuisé en deux parties (Antoine Volant, Lyon, 1555)

Romoli, Domenico: La Singolare Dottrina Di M. Domenico Romoli... (Gio. Battista Bonfadino, Venetia, 1593)

Another recipe for Gingerbread

Rosselli, Giovanne: Epulario: qual tratta del modo di cucinare ogni carne, vccelli, pesci, & ultra qualita di viuande (Altobello Salicato, Vinegia, 1596)

Rice Fritters

Fig Fritters

Scappi, Bartolomeo; Scully, Terence (trans.): The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570): L'arte et prudenza d'un maestro cuoco(Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2008)

II.179 To prepare a thick, Lombard-style soup with herb tortellini

II.180 To prepare tortellini with fresh peas or haricot beans

III.220 To prepare a thick starch soup with almond milk (tested against Messisbugo's recipe)

III.242 Another way to cook a bulb of kohlrabi

III.250 Thick Soup of Brown Chickpeas

V.122 To Prepare a Filled Twist