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Another Teeny Tiny Hat

In the mood to make more, I decided to make the other style of hat that we see in Hofnagel - the taller, narrower one. After all, it was just so satisfying (and so rare) to go through a project from start to finish in such a short space of time! Using the same process as for the first hat, I therefore wound up with a small green velvet hat also.

It went from this:

To this:

Now, the really cool bit: a short while later, I came across this image:


Take a look at the chick in the foreground on the far left of the image. See what she's wearing? It's another silly little hat, of the same style as this second one that I just made. What's especially cool about this is that, not only is this a second image confirming the presence if not popularity of ridiculous small hats, it's from France in 1579. The first image was English, and from 1569. That's two images, two countries, and a time span of a decade. I was totally stoked.

Always on the lookout for more silly hat images, if anyone comes across other images of these extremely small hats, please point me at them as I am very interested to gather more.

[1] From this website, originally from p79 of the book that is here

I have used images that are in the public forum, or that I have asked permission to use. If you think you own the copyright to these images or think that I'm using them in a way that is not allowed, however, please get in touch with me.