Translation of a 16th century Italian Recipe.
Fiorauanti Bolognese, Leornardo: Del Compendio de i Secreti dell'Eccell. Medico, & Cirugico M. Leonardo Fiorauanti Bolognese, Libri Cinque. (Vincenzo Valgrisi, Venice, 1554)
V.34 p160r/v Del modo di conciare le scorze di cedri, & di naranci confette. (The way to dress and candy the peel of citrons, & of oranges.)
The way to candy the peel of citrons, & of oranges with spices, and this, then, take the said peel, and put it to soften with clear water for eight or ten days continually, changing the water one time each day throughout, so the said peel will have a luster and transparency, and lose the bitterness that is in it: and then strain the water that they have been in, and leave them to dry; and then throw over them cooked and skimmed honey, which is still a little hot, and the said honey is warmed one time each day until the end, when the said peel will be most complete, and when it will become shining and transparent; until the hour when the business changes the honey anew, and so leave them, they will be done; and if you would candy them with sugar in place of honey, you will need to cook the sugar as though you would make confits; and put it over the said peel, and they will be candied with sugar; and this is the true way to make your candy of honey like of sugar.