Romoli, Domenico: La Singolare Dottrina Di M. Domenico Romoli... (Gio. Battista Bonfadino, Venetia, 1593)
Romoli very humbly endeavours to present a manual on everything relating to food. Divided into multiple books, there are sections on the roles of various staff within the house, the stages of a meal, a year in menus, recipes, the qualities of different foodstuffs, the properties of drinks, and finally, Food For Health.
V.38 p143v Capretto in tocchetto. (Sliced Goat.)
V.44 pp145v-146r Pauoni, Capponi, & varii pesci salpamentati. (Pigeons, capons, and various fish in stock.)
V.49 p147v Pollastri alla Catelana. (Catalan Chicken.)V.49 p147v Pollastri alla Catelana. (Catalan Chicken.)
V.69 p156v Presciutto soffritto. (Fried Prosciutto.)
V.71 pp157v/158r. Voua ripiene magre, & grasse inherbolate. (Filled eggs for lean days, and for meat days with herbs.)
V.101.187r. A far mustacciuoli di zuccaro & amandole. (To make breads of sugar & almonds).
V.103.188r. A far mostacciuoli di zuccaro. (To make sugar breads.)
V.109.190v A far castagnelle al modo di zuccherini. (To make little nuts in the fashion of zuccarini.)
V.110.190v. A far Mustaccioli di altra sorte. (To make another sort of gingerbread.)
V.112.191 A fare pizze di amandole. (To make almond pizza.)
V.114.191v. A far ciambelle, & biscottini. (To make ciambelle, and little biscuits.)
V.115.191v. A far altra sorte di Naspro. (To make another sort of Naspro.)
V.116.191v. Altra sorte di pastadelle. (Another sort of little pastry.)
V.117.192r/v. Altra sorte di pastadelle di Marzapane. (Another sort of marzipan biscuit.)
V.132 Singolar modo da cuocere, & condir Gambari. (A way to cook, and serve lobsters).