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Recipes from Messisbugo

Messisbugo, Cristoforo: Banchetti composizioni di vivande e apparecchio generale (Lucio Spineda, Venice, 1610)

Messisbugo presents a bit of a challenge, because he's from Ferrara, and his terminology tends to be a bit different - so sometimes it can be difficult to figure out exactly what he means since I'm not currently completely familiar with the various letter substitutions. Still, he at least writes in real sentences (unlike Rosselli). He was primarily a Steward rather than a cook, but his recipes are very tasty.

He died in 1548, but the first edition of his work wasn't published until 1549.

p40v/r Brazzatelle di latte, e zuccaro. (Biscuits of milk, and of sugar.)

p40r A fare sosameli perfettissimi numero 36. (To make perfect Simnell breads numbering 36.)

p46r/47v Pasta Tedesca fatta in diuerse Armi, e Cappe di S. Giacomo, o Croci; e diuersi animali, fritte, futte, o piene di Marzapani, o di Mariconda, o Crema, o d'altro Pastume, per far piatti dieci. (German pastry made in diverse weapons/arms, and Cloaks of S. Giacomo, or Crosses; and diverse creatures, fried, dried, or filled with Marzipan, or Mariconda, or cream, or of other paste, to make ten platings.)

p47v/r. A fare dieci Piatti di Stelle di pasta reale piene di Pastumerele. (To make ten plates of stars of royal paste, filled with paste.)

pp47r-48v A far dieci piatti di Stelle grasse. (To make ten plates of rich stars.)

p48v A fare dieci piatti di Stellete grasse. (To make ten plates of little rich stars.)

p48v/r A fare dieci piatti di Fiadoncelli, di morolla. (To make ten plates of egg flans, of [...].)

p48r A fare dieci piatti di Fiadoncelli d'altra sorte. (To make ten egg flans of another sort.)

p49v A fare dieci piatti di Guanti, ouero Reticelli. (To make ten platings of Gloves, or else of Paste work.)

p49v/r A fare dieci piatti di Tegole de pasta di Marzapane, finte de Fasoli. (To make ten plates of marzipan tiles, feigning beans.)

p50r A fare pastatelle di carne per piatti dieci. (To make meat pasties for ten platings.)

p52v A fare dieci piatti di maccheroni. (To make ten plates of macaroni.)

p52v-r A fare dieci piatti di Maccheroni alla Nopoletana. (To make ten plates of Neapolitan macaroni.)

p52r A fare dieci piatti de maccheroni Romaneschi. (To make ten plates of Roman macaroni.)

p56v Tardiola di latte alla Francese, per piatti dieci. (French milk tart, for ten plates.)

p56r Pastello di carne in potto. (Meat paste in a pot.)

p57v/r A far Rauuioli da grasso, e da magro, per piatti dieci. (To make ravioli, for fat and lean days, for ten plates.)

p64v/r Torte di Nespile, o persiche, o pere, o pome, o castagne, o ghiande, o trigoli, o codogne, o d'altro. (Tart of medlars, of peaches, or pears, or apples, or chestnuts, or acorns, or cardoons, or quinces, or others.)

p64r Torta di Ruuia, o faua, o fasoli, o Sparsi, o Cipolle, o Carchioffoli, o d'alrtre cose. (Tart of Eriule, or broad beans, or kidney beans, or (...), or Onions, or Artichokes, or other things.)

p68r A fare Tortelletti magri d'altra sorte per piatti dieci. (To make another sort of lean tartlet for ten plates.)

p72r-73v Torta di datteri, & altri frutti. (Torte of dates, and other fruits.)

p75r A fare dieci piatti di mangiar bianco da grasso. (To make ten plates of rich white dish.)

p75r/76v A fare mangiare bianco d'altra sorte. (To make another sort of white dish.)

p76v A fare mangiare bianco detto Diamante, di cui se ne poute seruire, da grasso, e da magro per piatti dieci. (To make a white dish called Diamond, to cook it to be able to serve, for fat days, and for lean days, for ten plates.)

p77v A fare riso, o farro alla Turchesea. (To make rice, or spelt in the Turkish style.)

p77v A fare riso, o farro, con torli di vuoa, e formaggio per piatti dieci. (To make rice, or spelt, with egg yolks, and cheese for ten platings.)

The cheesy rice is always a stand out dish when I make it, and often requested when I cook - it's really really tasty. It's worth making more than you need, because people really want to eat the leftovers. Specifically, some people in our Barony enjoy eating it crumbed and deep fried the following day - if they can get hold of any that isn't eaten straightaway!

p81v A fare dieci piatti di minestra all'Ongaresca. (To make ten plates of Hungarian soup).

p81v A fare Ongaresca d'altra sorte per piatti dieci. (To make another style of Hungarian [soup] for ten plates.)

p81r A fare minestra d'voua rotte all'ongaresca, per piatti dieci. (To make a soup of broken eggs in the Hungarian style, for ten plates.)

p83v A fare dieci piatti di mangiar bianco da magro. (To make ten plates of lean white dish.)

p96r A fare ceruellati bianchi. (To make white sausages.)

p98v Tomaselle nello spiedo. (Tomacelle (Meatballs) in the spit.)

p99v Fracasea in altro modo. (Fracasea in another way.)

p100v Lombi di bue alla Alemana. (German-style ox loin.)

p100v Pieno per empire capretti, o agnelli, o porchette, o paueri, o pollami. (Filling for stuffing goat, or lamb, or pork, or goslings, or poultry).

p100r A fare gelatia torbida per piatelli dieci. (To make thick or muddy jelly for ten little plates.)

p101v A fare gelatia chiara Francese per piatti dieci. (To make light French jelly for ten plates.)

p101v/r A fare gelatia bianca per piatti dieci. (To make white jelly for ten plates.)

p102v A fare vn cappone in gelatia. (To make a capon in jelly.)

p102v. A fare gelatia da donzena. (To make maiden's jelly.)

p104v/r Fonghi freschi, e salati, a varii modi. (Fresh and salted mushrooms, in various ways.)

p107v A fare potacchio di pesce all'ongaresca. (To make a pottage of fish in the Hungarian style.)

p109v A fare vn piatto d'voua dure piene. (To make a plate of stuffed eggs)

p109v A fare un piatto d'voua alla Francese. (To make a plate of French-style eggs.)

p110v Frittada semplice verde, piena, e rognosa. (Filling simple green frittata.)

p113r Lattemele. (Milk Snow/Whipped Cream.)