Translation of a 16th century Italian Recipe.
Fiorauanti Bolognese, Leornardo: Del Compendio de i Secreti dell'Eccell. Medico, & Cirugico M. Leonardo Fiorauanti Bolognese, Libri Cinque. (Vincenzo Valgrisi, Venice, 1554)
V.45 p164r/v Del modo di fare bianco magnare in un subito, secreto rarisimo. (The way to make white dish in haste, a rare secret.)
If you want to make white dish in haste with great ease, make it in this way, that is, take one pound of whole almonds, and crush them with rose water, and make them all into milk, and pass it through a piece of linen; and then take a pound of starch flour, ten ounces of white sugar, and make them into a paste together with ordinary water, and make it into a liquid, and then put it over a fire, and make it boil over a slow fire always stirring with a baton until it's done, when it is cooked, then get it, and put it into plates, and it will be done; and this is a white dish not in use by anyone, and that is good, and cooked with this secret it is possible to increase the sugar a lot, in making the said white dish, and it will be more delicate of taste, and good to eat.