Translation of a 16th century Italian Recipe.
From Christoforo di Messisbugo, Banchetti composizioni di vivande e apparecchio generale (Lucio Spineda, Venice, 1610)
p64r Torta di Ruuia[1], o faua, o fasoli, o Sparsi[2], o Cipolle, o Carchioffoli, o d'altre cose. (Pie of Eriule[1], or broad beans, or kidney beans, or (....)[2], or onions, or artichokes, or of other things.
Take one of the above said things, and cook in broth or else in water with butter, for a lean day then pass [them] through a strainer, and place in a vessel with half a pound of grated hard cheese, and a pound of fresh butter, and ounces, eight of sugar, and one ounce of finely ground Cinnamon, and a quarter [ounce] of ground pepper, and a pinch of ground Ginger, and three beaten eggs, and mix these things together well, and then take your sheets of pastry[3], and make the Torte placing over four ounces of fresh butter, and place [it] to cook, and when it will be almost cooked, put over it four ounces of sugar, and then finish cooking it. And in place of butter, when in the time of a meat day, [you] may rather two pounds of beef fat, or of calf, which can be placed to boil with the eriule, or with other things, and likewise in that of fruit, to cook as said above.
[1] The only reference I've come across to this so far is as something that Augustus used to eat by order of his physician that was attributed to his recovery from a disease.
[2] There's nothing edible for this word, nor any close words in Florio. "Sparso" is a scattering.
[3] I am not exactly sure of my translation here, although the overall meaning is clear. The phrase used is "e poi empi le tue spoglie".