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Morsels of Zanzarelli

A 16th century Italian Recipe, translated into English by Shannon Wanty

From Rosselli, Giovanne: Epulario: qual tratta del modo di cucinare ogni carne, vccelli, pesci, & ultra qualita di viuande (Altobello Salicato, Vinegia, 1596)

p14v Per far zanzarelli in bocconi piccoli. (To make Zanzarelli in small morsels.)

To make zanzarelli in white, green, or yellow morsels. Make the mixture as is said above in the colour that you would like, and so that it will be a little hard, and take a small spoon, and make morsels like a broadbean, and when the broth begins to boil put them one by one in the broth, and then make the soup, and put in the above spices, or else sugar.